Who are you?

Rishi Krishna
2 min readJan 6, 2021

Once, this very observant person I know asked me, did you know- you have more than one personality?


When you think about it, every person on the planet is multi-dimensional being with several identities.

We’re not born with many identities. Infact, a just born has no identity until the world thrusts one on it.

It’s a He, he’s a Hindu, he’s an Indian and so on and so forth.

I too was a product of such manufactured identity ofcourse. And for the longest time worked very hard to protect it and project it to the world.

My ignorance led me to believe that my personal ‘why’- was of no importance. Following the trend, was how I could survive.

Lots and lots of Introspection, trauma, and self reflection later- I had some realisations.

  • Our true identity is not something that the external world decides, and true strength is needed to live with this truth.
  • Our personal purpose is what decides what identity you will build. And vice versa.
  • We have several identities as an individual. We lose many of them on our way to ourselves. It’s a long journey and someone painful.

So when my friend asked me the question, I was surprised because I wanted to know had I inadvertently showed up as a different version of myself?

Indeed, I had. Subtly but surely.

