Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The 3 types of people you need to network with/ have on your side as your allies if you decide to venture into the tech start-up scene

Rishi Krishna
2 min readOct 24, 2021


  1. Close friends -whom you can go to with the dumbest/most desperate issues and they will sit down with you calmly and give you perspectives and support. Anmol Ajay Saxena, Anubhav Mishra, Hari Haran M are some of those allies to Symbionic. It’s a definite plus if these people are also smarter + more experienced than you are. There is nothing worse than a blind person asking for advice from another blind person.
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

2. Subject matter experts who can advise you on the right path wrt your product goals, technology, and outcome evaluation.
this is the hardest to find since it’s easy to misunderstand above with experience as your savior.

These are the people who will enlighten you on the things you don’t know you don’t know. having an expert willing to spend time with you and who knows their shit is a very hard albeit necessary aspect of building a company. (accelerator programs, University prof., veteran tech founders can be these people)

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Experienced individuals outside of tech who can help you take your head out of the proverbial r&d ass and help you focus on what needs to be done. Their job here is to help you understand your business priorites, make sense of all the chaos and show you your options.
I’m fortunate to have Prateek Madhav, arvind aathreya, Nirmal Parikh, Dr.Balachandran A PhD on our side who keep us grounded and accountable.

bonus: have an end-user on board who will help prioritize user goals > technology/r&d.

